So how many of you out there came to Addicted?
If you did come along you would know what a success it was despite the huge competition we had this time round.
(Some of you might have heard that there was another party on the same day, and they were giving away bare free tickets!)
But nevertheless we still managed to bring in a good crowd to the classy Mayfair Club and create that unique
PeekaBoo Vibe we've become known for!
Those of you who didn't make it, you missed out on a wicked night... Something different from the norm!
OK, in answer to all the questions, no we don't know when the next PeekaBoo Party will be, but we will let you know as soon
as we do, so keep checking here for updates. If you've got any suggestions for where and when we should do our next party then let us know...
Cmon' give us sum feedback.
Find out more about Addicted by clicking here. We've got loadsa pictures, and there should be a short video clip available real soon!
Oh and so that we don't have to keep answering the same question over and over again... Yes that was Don Klass and M from Fight School partying PeekaBoo stylee!
Stay tuned peeps... We'll let you know when the next one's coming!
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